It seems this is the hour that draws me to the keyboard in search of solace, or purpose. I've actually been on the computer most of the day and need to get to sleep. I caught up with some people that I've painfully neglected on facebook and, surprise of surprises, they haven't given up on me. Since I talked to them last they have gotten married, broken up, had children, moved and I realize that life is so short that I need to stop letting it pass me by. I know, now I'm getting maudlin.
I did manage to upload a picture I painted of a panda and was delighted to see that people were actually checking on my status and commented on the picture. There are people who are still taking care of my crops on Farmville! They are so dear. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I also realized that I have let go of so many things that I used to enjoy. Maybe for 2012 I can make a New Year's resolution. LOL Perhaps if I procrastinate long enough, it will all go away.
Changes are in the wind, but I'm not sure what they are. I have started working on the never ending novel again. Dan has given me a swift kick in the tucas with his never-end yammering and whinning to finish it. He's been such a pest that he finally wore me down and I did a few pages just to shut him up. I guess that's the way God works with me. He puts the burr under my saddle and keeps it there until I finally have to do something about it.
Then, after playing on facebook for a bit doing searches for old friends, I found an old missionary friend from Ecuador who is a pastor about 25 miles from here. It turns out that he is also writing, got his masters in Journalism from Ship, and has some work published online. I'll see if he would be interested in doing some reading and brainstorming about the novel. He should enjoy it since he has a warped view of the world, much like mine. Besides, I could use a pastor to talk to right now. Plus I respect his viewpoints and insights.
There's a new wind blowing
from the west
or the east
or Winnetka
There's a change
in the weather
and a change in meor about me
fluttering around
furling around
subtle changes
tornadic changes
sweeping and
carrying me
to heaven or
crashing headlong
from the heights
Hi friend... I read this, and was charmed with the words you used on here, and how well you write your true feelings down... Blogging, takes discipline, determinism, and a feeling that you have something to say or share; that should be of benefit or comfort to others, should the writer no longer be there... but, their words live on; after them. There are "things" that I need to share, and have to share; but for now, the "printed page" is a very intimidating task master! This may change, more likely later, rather than sooner... If and when it does, you'll be sure to notice. Until then, may you live in harmonious bliss...