Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Renaissance Ramblings - An ADD beginning

People have been asking me to blog for awhile now but I've avoided it.  I am so overwhelmed with new technologies that the thought of learning a new is, well ...... overwhelming.  I used to keep up with all of it when the tech changes didn't come at the speed of light!  I could program my computer in the latest language, diagnose it, repair and upgrade it without a second thought, set up my mobile phone, and even program my Beta Max, I'm sorry, my VCR.  But as technology as grown, so has the possibility of things I have to share.  Paintings, photography, poems, (the three P's) not to mention my journals, genealogical surprises and discoveries, school tribulations, medical changes, pet (animal) advancements, wisdom of the ages, and pet (favorite) peeves from a soapbox have all become topics to be addressed.  How could I choose only one?

When I started back to school, a friend asked me to start blogging so people could keep up with the rapid changes in my life.  I bluntly said I had no time to start putting every little detail of my life online.  I was much too busy living it, besides, who would be interested?  Then three things came together to start me on this obscenely exposing journey.  First, I overheard some students talking about an assignment to keep a blog.  Daily!  Second, I was discussing a project with the director of Susquehanna Service Dogs and she asked if I had visited their blog.  Third, my little "adopted" son sent me a link to his blog.

I finally clicked on the link with his blog, my first visit to a blog!  "Laughing" Larry Berger, always has interesting tidbits about the poetry scene, particularly in LA-LA Land.  I enjoyed hearing what was going on in my old homeland and reading his new, and old, poetry.  I knew I could not jump into a daily assignment, so I decided to start with a weekly blog like he does, but to address several of my many interests and editorialize to my heart's content. 

At least, I can start getting use to this new tool.  So to you who have nothing better to do than listen to the ravings of a crazy old lady who lives with her cat.... read on!

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